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Parental Guide for Discord

Category: Social Media
Official Age Limit: 13 years
Zoe rating: 13 years

Discord is a social media primarily aimed at gamers. It is a chat forum where you can play with your friends, find new teammates, chat and talk while playing and participate in various gaming communities. It supports video calling, voice chat, and texting. While Discord can be a positive space, there are also aspects of it that need to be addressed. The tone on Discord can be harsh and bullying can occur. And since Discord is based on private groups, inappropriate dialogue can take place. As with other platforms, chat, voice and video streams disappear so it is difficult to keep up as a parent.

You can find more info on the Discord Parent Hub

Parental Guide to Discord

Limit Notifications

“Nudging” is a method that social media use to get you to view content on their services. A large part of social media’s “nudging” takes place in the form of notifications. To protect yourself and your children from continuous distractions and disturbances, it is a good idea to limit or completely remove notifications from social media such as Discord. Under the phone’s settings, you can search for the App’s general settings and remove notifications or choose how they are displayed. At a minimum, you should remove notifications when the phone is locked.

Privacy settings on Discord

It is important to set privacy and security settings on all social media, regardless of how and how often you use them.

  1. Open Discord on your computer
  2. Click on user settings in the lower left corner
  3. Find ‘Privacy and security’ in the menu on the left
  4. Here you can, for example, choose that all your messages should be scanned by Discord, so that they can delete those that contain something sexual

You can also choose

  1. Whether you want to receive direct messages from other server members
  2. Whether you want access to age-restricted servers (on iOS devices, e.g. iPhone)
  3. Who can add you as a friend
  4. Set whether your friends can join your game without requesting
  5. Set how Discord uses your data

For detailed instructions on the privacy settings, you can get further information from Red Barnet here:

Conversation on Discord

Here are some guidelines to help you start the conversation:

Be open and available: Create a safe and open environment where your child feels comfortable sharing their thoughts and concerns. Show interest in their experiences and be responsive to their perspective.
Be prepared: Before talking to your child about Discord, it’s important that you yourself have a basic understanding of the platform and its features.
Highlight Pros and Cons: Review both the positives and negatives of Discord. Discuss the benefits of being able to stay in touch with friends and family, share experiences and be part of the community.
Online security and privacy: Focus on the importance of protecting personal information and being aware of security settings. Advise your child to avoid sharing photos and videos that are not allowed to be shared and to be careful about accepting friend requests from strangers.
Digital education and respectful behavior: Talk to your child about the importance of maintaining healthy behavior. Explain that it is important to treat others online with respect and avoid bullying
Set boundaries and rules: Discuss and set clear boundaries for how and when your child can use Discord. This may include times when you do not send and respond to messages.
Maintain ongoing dialogue: Keep the conversation ongoing and open and show interest in the content they receive and share. As technology and the online landscape evolves, new challenges or concerns may arise that you must address together.
Remember that it is important to adapt the conversation to your child’s age and maturity level. Be responsive to their concerns and questions and make sure they feel comfortable sharing their thoughts and experiences with you.

If the accident is out
Red Barnet has made good instructions for deleting content on Discord and seeking help to deal with unpleasant experiences. Follow the link to the first aid box

Category: Social Media
In short, a social media is a platform where people can talk or write together via the web and mobile. Communication takes place both ways and not just one way, as it does in newspapers or serials, for example.

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