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Delete your Zoe App Account

When you delete your account from the Zoe App, all data associated with it is removed from our systems. We will not be able to recreate a deleted account again.

To delete your Zoe App account, you can follow these steps:

Open the Zoe App and log in with your account
If you are an administrator for a family, you must ensure that either
Delete the family
Add at least one other administrator to the family
Go to Settings
Tap Account
Select Delete Account at the bottom and follow the instructions in the app.

You can always write to for more help.


To delete a family, follow these steps:

Open the Zoe app and log in with your account
Go to settings
Tap Family management
Select the family you want to delete
Tap Delete Family and follow the instructions in the app.

If you delete a family, all data, statistics and settings for the family will be permanently deleted. Sentinel will be factory reset and must be paired into a new family.

You can always write to for more help.


To add a new user as an administrator to a family, follow these steps:

Open the Zoe app and log in with your account
Go to settings
Tap Family management
Select the family you want to add a new user to
Tap Add User
Follow the instructions in the app

You can always write to for more help.

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